Date: 04 July 2009, Saturday
This is the second indoor dog event for this year 2009 and we are putting high hopes on Shadow in the Midvalley’s competition. Everything looks good except that the ring was smaller compared to last year. Best thing is the ring was cordoned with advertisement boards to prevent dogs or audiences from coming into the ring and to prevent the participating dog from running out of the ring. Equipments look new and lightweight but it looks slippery due to the new paint. I wouldn’t worry much about the rules since it was clearly stated in the official website and honoured with no last minute changes. Usual thing was to memorize the course flow.
Interesting Courseflows for Jumper with Weave for Sat and Sun
The first competition in Midvalley last year still remained as a fresh memory to me. I still remembered Shadow wouldn't budge for the first hurdle and we were therefore eliminated. Shadow was merely protesting out of being confined to a voyager the whole morning and he was whining so loud that we can hear him from the other end of the hall. He was sulking and misbehaving at home for a whole week.
This was the second time Shadow participated in a competition in Midvalley. This time round, we make sure that he is emotionally fit to perform. I have to keep the furkid chirpy and happy with treats and more treats before the big time. And this too includes not confining him into voyager. (We learnt our lesson). Both of us did great except for a few hiccups. Missing poles, running to the wrong entry of the tunnel and worst, running the wrong course flow were something that I need both of us to improve on. We came out as the 3rd winner in Basic Jumper on Saturday. Shadow did a very good job that day and he was fast.